Thursday, May 24, 2012

Game Review - Kingdom of Amalur Reckoning

Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning is one of the best RPG games that has came out in the past 5 years. The combat is seamless and varied depending on if you are a Rogue, Mage, Or Warrior. All 3 classes are worlds apart in play style and how you approach combat.

                                                                        The Mage

The mage is a ranged specialist that isn't limited to just tossing around spells although there are some extremely powerful ones that lay waste to any fools that are in your way. The use of chakrams and staves conserves mana and allows the grouping of enemies so spells will hit all of them. My one gripe would be that staves use a percent of mana to hurl bolts of energy at enemies, this goes through mana quickly at the beginning and felt kinda useless to me.

                                                                       The Rogue

The rogue is a standard stealthy bastard that focuses on sneaking up on enemies and disemboweling them before they notice you there. The best part about the rogue is the bow talents and upgrades, I could use just a bow the whole game and be happy as hell because of how smooth it feels using it. The faeblades seem a little off but are good when surrounded. Overall the bow outshines everything else in this tree.

                                                                      The Fighter

The fighter is the up close and personal sword swinger thats really fun to play. It allows for blocking more than any other tree and can hit multiple targets with the quake spell to demolish those in your path. Although it is limited to short range with melee weapons it does have decent reach with the huge greatswords that you swing around killing indiscriminately.

The crafting in KoA is amazing and blacksmithing can get you top tier gear way before you find it out in the wilderness or on vendors. You can dismantle lower end steel gear and craft it into fine steel gear if you are lucky enough to get the right components, and with high enough blacksmithing you can even use gems as a component.

Overall KoA is one of the best games for combat and story, it offers countless hours of fun and dungeon diving. It embodies the soul of an RPG with smoothness that is rarely seen in the market today.

Overall Rating 5/5

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